Issue - meetings

Salisbury and the Maltings Car Park

Meeting: 15/02/2012 - Cabinet (Item 37)

37 Salisbury Central Car Park and Maltings

Report of the Service Director – Economy & Enterprise is circulated


Supporting documents:


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning, presented a report which set out the process taken in accordance with European Procurement Regulations, and following approval by Cabinet in December 2010, to identify a preferred development partner for the retail led mixed development project at Salisbury Central Car Park and Maltings.  The report invited the Cabinet to consider whether to award ‘Preferred Bidder’ status to the highest scoring bidder.


It was emphasised that the process had been extremely rigorous, and the three competitive bids had been evaluated against the criteria agreed in advance by Cabinet. 


In addition, it was noted that this process was to select a development partner, and not to select a scheme; this would be produced following an extensive public consultation.


It was recommended that the meeting move into Part II to receive a detailed report on the outcome of the evalution, to protect commercially sensitive information.