Issue - meetings

Communications and Training Sub-Committees

Meeting: 03/02/2010 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 8)

8 Communications and Training Sub-Committees

Report of the Head of Governance to follow

Supporting documents:


The committee considered a report which proposed new arrangements for the discharge and oversight of the communications and training functions of the Standards Committee.


A debate ensued and it was agreed that the two committees should be disbanded and replaced by task and finish groups which would concentrate on specific issues; membership would be drawn from the Standards Committee.


The Chairman asked that the Chairmen of the sub-committees meet to discuss which issues they would like to see addressed in the future and bring these to the next meeting.


It was recognised that there was a need to ensure continuity in the link between the Standards Committee and the Councillor Development Group and it was agreed that if Councillor Carter should cease to be a member of the Group then he should be replaced with a Standards Committee representative.


The leaflet on the work of the Standards committee was almost complete and this would be circulated to all members of the committee for their comments prior to issue.


It was requested that a task and finish group be set up with immediate effect to look at training needs analysis, membership  drawn from the current Training sub-committee and assistance from Human Resources would be sought.





1.               To disband the existing Communications and Training Sub-Committees and replace them with “task and finish” groups.  These task and finish groups would be constituted to carry out particular tasks identified by the Standards Committee as and when a need is identified.


2.               Reports to the Standards Committee should contain a paragraph that considers whether the report contains issues giving rise to a training or communications need.  If so, the Standards Committee would establish an ad hoc task and finish group to deliver the specific piece of work identified.  The task and finish group would only exist until the project had been completed.


3.               Membership of task and finish groups would be not be fixed.  Members would be drawn from the Standards Committee, with officer support, as the need arises.  Consideration would be given to the skills needed for each task, and to the availability of members.  This arrangement would provide for greater flexibility, would enable the Standards Committee to capitalise on the very wide range of skills in its membership, and give all members of the Committee the opportunity to engage in project work.


4.               That continuity in the link between the Standards Committee and the Councillor Development Group be maintained.  This link ensures that the training needs of councillors in relation to the Code of Conduct and other matters within the Standards Committee’s remit are taken into account as part of the overall member development strategy, which is within the remit of the Councillor Development Group.  Should Councillor Carter leave the Group it was agreed that there should always be Standards Committee representation on the Councillor Development Group, notwithstanding the fact that individual councillors will change.


5.               To set up a task and finish group to look at training needs analysis; membership drawn  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8