Issue - meetings

Local Issues - Public Participation

Meeting: 16/02/2010 - Calne Area Board (Item 8)

8 Your Local Issues

The Chairman will provide an update on community issues and progress on Area Board working groups. This will include:

a)    Community Speed Watch

b)    The Community Hub

c)    The Abberd Brook Project

d)    Participatory Budgeting – ‘Make a Stand for Cycling’.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman announced that feedback on the previous Area Board meeting had been positive and outreach venues would continue to be used on an alternate basis to town venues. Suggestions for suitable venues were invited, please contact Alexa Smith on: 01249 706612 or e-mail:


Following the recent weather, Wiltshire Council’s highways team was working round the clock to repair damaged roads in the county. The meeting was encouraged to report serious potholes to CLARENCE on 0800 232323 and they would be filled in as soon as possible.


a)    Calne Community Area Board had received a number of issues that may be appropriate for putting forward to the Community Speed Watch initiative that Wiltshire Council was developing with Wiltshire Police and the Wiltshire and Swindon Safety Camera Partnership.


The initial process designed for the Community Speed Watch scheme was based on assumptions of high numbers of speeding issues being received and so it involved a lengthy process of assessing and prioritising sites. However in the Calne Community Area, although a number of issues had been received, they were not in the numbers initially expected. As such it was proposed that appropriate sites would be sent forward as they emerged, rather than in prioritised groups, and that the Chairman would inform the Area Board through this update at subsequent meetings. If volumes of speeding issues should start to arrive in large numbers, the Area Board would revert to its original process.



To forward 3 sites to Community Speed Watch:

·         A3102 at Hilmarton/Goatacre – issue number 585

·         A4 at Derry Hill – issue number 653

·         Church Road at Derry Hill – issue number 500.



To forward future appropriate sites for Community Speed Watch without prioritisation (unless/until there was a significant increase in numbers).


b)    Cllr Crisp provided an update on the Community Hub in Calne. Please find a written report regarding the Community Hub attached.



That the Community Hub Building - 27 High Street, Calne - would be made available to the Community Partnership for use as a Community Hub, providing that the Partnership ensured that the relevant change of use planning consents were in place.


That for the first year of this tenancy agreement Wiltshire Council would waive the entire rental value. In return the Partnership would maintain and improve the fabric of the building wherever possible and ensure that it was open to the community for a minimum period of 4 days per week, including a Saturday whenever possible.


The Partnership would also undertake continued, rigorous evaluation of the project throughout the pilot phase, identify ways to ensure that the project plans become more sustainable in future years, and adopt a robust exit strategy.


c)    Please find a written report regarding the Abberd Brook Project attached. The Friends of Abberd Brook invited anyone who was interested in becoming involved to get in touch with Francis Bosworth: 01249 824722 or e-mail: or Frank Rumble:   


d)    Cllr Berry provided an update on ‘Make a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8