Issue - meetings

Community Operations Board Membership

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Westbury Area Board (Item 14)

Community Operations Board Membership

To ratify the membership of the Campus Operations Board.


Westbury Community Operations Board Membership


Representation from:


Deputy (if applicable)

Area Board

Cllr Russell Hawker

Cllr David Jenkins

Town & Parish Councils

Cllr Sue Ezra (Subject to Town Council ratification)


Young People & Education

Toni Brodie

Lottie Waghorn

User/Community Group

Jonathan Burke

Alison Irving

User/Community Group

Mike Parker

Darren Saving

User/Community Group

Brenda Pyne

Erica Watson

Wider Community

Tara Huntley

Tumpale Phiri-Thorne

Wiltshire Council

Hannah Day





To agree the membership of the Westbury Community Operations Board (COB).