Issue - meetings

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting: 24/06/2010 - Warminster Area Board (Item 1)

1 Welcome , Introductions and Chairman's Announcements

Chairman’s announcements:


1.    Local Transport Plan Scheme – Funding Allocation

Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Andrew Davis, welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that every effort would be made to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to speak. The Chairman invited the Area Board councillors and officers present to introduce themselves, and then welcomed to the meeting Councillor Linda Conley, who was the Portfolio Holder for Waste.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


Local Transport Plan Scheme Funding Allocation

A briefing paper was available in the agenda at Page 3 which included details of the above Scheme. The Area Board was asked to establish a Community Area Transport Group (CATG), which would meet to consider potential small-scale transport improvement schemes to go forward. The CATG would then report back to the Area Board for final decisions to be made. The CATG needed a maximum of ten members, which would include representatives of parish and town councils. The Chairman advised anybody interested in joining the CATG to see Katharine Dew, Community Area Manager, at the end of the meeting.


Car Parking Strategy Consultation

A late briefing paper regarding the proposed Car Parking Strategy was circulated to those present. The consultation on this Strategy would be taking place from 12 July to 3 September 2010, and people were encouraged to submit their views.