50 Salisbury Market Place
To consider the report of the Director for Economy and Enterprise.
Supporting documents:
Prior to discussing the report, the Committee received a presentation on a new Spatial Awareness and Mapping System (SAMS), a resource which had been developed to allow officers and Councillors to view different sets of spatial information overlaid on a GIS map. This currently included Spatial Planning data including the core strategy, building use class, listed buildings, flood zones, Highways, Rights of Way, utilities, planning applications and much more. The system will also being linked with the new county-wide planning and regulatory services system provided by Northgate, which will provide dynamic spatial data to the SAMS system.
The system could also be developed to include other types of data, and this could be rolled out across the Council, with the “front end” being adapted to meet the needs of various users, by showing the relevant data sets. The Cabinet welcomed this new system and noted that two Cabinet members would trial the system before rolling out to Councillors.
The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning introduced the report which outlined the case for investment in the Salisbury Market Place Public Realm Improvement Project, and asked the Committee to consider proposals following the approval of the concept plans by the Salisbury Community Area Board on 1 August 2012.
The Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee welcomed the plans and thanked the Area Board and officers for developing the proposals to this stage. It was noted that a meeting was planned for Thursday 12 September to agree the phasing of works, in order to avoid disruption to the market over Christmas and the Easter break.
That Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee:
1. approves delivery of the Market Place Public Realm Improvement Project within the £3 million budget discussed via the current Transformation Programme allocation already within the Capital Programme to undertake the scheme and
2. agrees to delegate authority to the Service Director of Economy and Regeneration and the Service Director of Highways and Transport in agreement with the Chief Finance Officer and in consultation with the Chair of the Community Area Board to commission and deliver the project.
Reasons for Decision
To deliver the transformation of the Market Place into a more attractive, vibrant, high quality public space of which the city can be proud, and reflect its important public function and historic setting.