Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 18/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 44)

Leader's Announcements


At the Leader’s invitation, Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste made the following announcement:


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


Cllr Sturgis reminded Cabinet that it had, at its meeting on 12 February 2013, approved a revised timetable for the preparation of CIL. This was to reflect the need to ensure that the evidence base and policy approaches could be developed in compliance with new guidance issued by the Government in December 2012. The revised timetable anticipated that a report would be presented to this Cabinet meeting to approve the next stage.


However, the Government has since undertaken further consultation on changes to the CIL Regulations. Revised Regulations and further guidance were due to be published shortly. Cabinet had therefore been advised that it would be prudent to take this into account before moving to the next stage. Although the timetable needed to be updated, it would need to remain under review pending further information being received to provide greater certainty.


Scrutiny had confirmed that it would continue to be involved in the development of CIL and an updated timetable would enable it to meaningfully inform that process. A briefing note explaining the position would be circulated for the benefit or new members as well as updating all Councillors on the current position.