Issue - meetings

Update on Councillors' Induction Programme

Meeting: 18/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Councillor Induction Programme 2013

Report by the Service Director, Communications


(to add schedule)



Supporting documents:


Cllr Allison Bucknell, Chairman of the Councillor Development Group presented a report which gave details of the activities undertaken as part of the Councillor Induction Programme 2013.


A copy of the Council Induction Programme and nominated and new councillor guide were also presented. Cllr Bucknell and the Leader commented that the Induction arrangements had surpassed expectations with excellent support from officers. It was noted that the take up of some sessions fell short of expectations and that the training of Councillors was ongoing.


A discussion ensued on the induction during which a number of comments were made as follows:


·         Some Councillors had been unable to attend daytime sessions

·         Evening sessions were not always appropriate

·         The enforceability of Councillor training and making it mandatory

·         Encouraging attendance via group leaders

·         Sessions on communications and transformation should be repeated

·         Attendance at sessions by all Councillors would ensure appropriate levels of understanding and avoid unnecessary questions and queries


Cllr Bucknell thanked the Communications team for the branding of nomination packs, guides and programme which ensured a professional image being portrayed.




That Cabinet note:


a)        the support provided to all newly elected councillors in their role as community leaders through the councillor induction programme 2013;


b)        that this work will continue through ongoing councillor training and development, as required and


c)        the opportunities for further engagement through networking events to allow councillors and officers to build strong working relationships.


Reason for decisions


To update the cabinet on the councillor induction programme 2013, the success of the programme and the opportunities for the provision of future development sessions and training events.