Issue - meetings

Business Plan Scorecard Report - year-end 2012/13

Meeting: 18/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 47)

47 Business Plan Scorecard Report - year-end 2012/13

Report by the Interim Service Director, Executive Office


Supporting documents:


 Cllr Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance, Risk and Welfare Reform presented a report which detailed the Council’s year end progress against the priorities as set out in the Business Plan 2011/15.


Of the 53 indicators, 18 were annual measures and some were new indicators that were still being defined nationally.  At year end, 19 of the remaining 35 indicators were on target, another seven were within 5 per cent, and seven had no targets set.  Only two indicators were not on target, compared to 10 in the previous period; neither of which were priority targets. Cllr Tonge commented that this was an improved position on the previous period and there was no cause for concern.


Cllr Jon Hubbard made a number of comments on the data presented. He expressed concern at the downward trend in respect of indicator 1005 ‘use of in-house foster carers (proportion nights)’ and considered that as it was outside the 5% target, it should in fact be labelled as red as opposed to amber. This was accepted and an undertaking was given to amend the report.


Cllr Hubbard was extremely concerned that the following targets which he acknowledged were challenging were not deemed as Council priorities:


1011 ‘care leavers in suitable education, jobs or training

1013 ‘safeguarding: initial assessments done in 10 days’


Cllr Tonge stressed that as cited in the report, the data presented was to report on progress in achieving the targets and actions to deliver the priorities of the Business Plan. Cllr Mayes, Cabinet member for Children’s Services and the Leader confirmed that these two areas were priorities for the Council.


It was noted that the format of future reports would be amended to reflect the new Business Plan once adopted by the Council. Scrutiny’s involvement in reviewing indicators would be welcomed.




That Cabinet note the progress of the Council’s Business Plan for year 2012/13.


Reasons for Proposal


To keep Cabinet informed about progress and to provide an update on the performance related grant scheme for area boards.