Issue - meetings

Public Health Annual Report

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Public Health Annual Report 2012/13

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director


Copies of the Annual Report are enclosed separately for members of Cabinet, available on our website along with this agenda or available on request, contact details above.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries explained that the Director of Public Health had a statutory responsibility to produce an annual report on public health.


Accordingly, Maggie Rae, Corporate Director in her capacity as Director of Public Health presented the Public Health Annual Report for 2012/13 to inform Cabinet of public health activity  during this period.


Maggie Rae gave a detailed power point presentation highlighting key activities and successes which included various successful campaigns, such as the Healthy Child programme, Safe Drive Stay Alive programme, Wiltshire Stop Smoking Service, Active Health Scheme, Health Information Support Service and Get Wiltshire Walking and successful screening programmes which identified those affected and provided treatment.


It was noted that this was in addition to managing the transition of the public health service to the Council and integrating public health within the business of the Council.


Maggie Rae responded to questions and thanked the Council for its continued support. She also thanked Laurie Bell and her team for their efforts in producing the Annual Report.




That the Public Health Annual Report 2012/13 be received and noted.


Reason for decision


To comply with statutory responsibility to publish the public health annual report and make Cabinet aware of progress on public health issues in the County.