Issue - meetings

Winterbourne View

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 76)

76 Winterbourne View Stock-take

Report by James Cawley, Service Director – Adult Care and Housing Strategy

Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries presented a report which sought to assure Cabinet of the progress that had been made since the Department of Health (DoH) issued its report ‘Transforming Care: a National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital’ in December 2012 and the associated recommendations.


Following the DoH report, a Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme was established, led at Ministerial level.  The Programme had asked local areas to complete a stocktake of progress against the commitments made nationally that should lead all individuals receiving personalised care and support in appropriate community settings no later than 1 June 2014.


Details of the stocktake undertaken by this Council was presented. This showed that the Council had implemented or was in the process of implementing all of the DoH recommendations. It also identified key areas for improvement and areas where the Council and its partners were still at an early stage of delivery.




That Cabinet note the report and progress made in relation to the Department of Health report ‘Transforming Care: a National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital’ and request a follow up progress report in 6 months time.


Reason for decision


To ensure Cabinet was aware of the key issues that need to be progressed with Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group around the Department of Health report ‘Transforming Care: a National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital.’