Issue - meetings

Help to Live at Home - Appointment of Contractors

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 Help to Live at Home: Appointment of Contractors

Report by James Cawley, Service Director – Adult Care and Housing Strategy

Supporting documents:


Cllr Keith Humphries presented a report which informed Cabinet of the process and award of three Help to Live at Home contracts previously delivered by Aster Living.


Twelve bids had been received which following evaluation, had been short listed to seven providers who had been invited to the final stage to give a presentation. This resulted in the company Mears Care Ltd of Gloucestershire having been selected. Cllr Humphries gave a brief profile of the company and explained that following a meeting with the company’s Chief Executive, he was very confident that the company would be able to successfully deliver on the contract.


The company also impressed with its plans to improve the terms and conditions of its staff, something that Cabinet had previously considered an extremely important issue in order to attract the right staff and make the caring industry an attractive career proposition.




That Cabinet notes the award of the Help to Live at Home contract to Mears Group Ltd.


Reason for decision


In July 2013, a report was presented to Cabinet to inform Cabinet of the decision by Aster Living to terminate their contracts and setting out the steps that would be taken to re-let those contracts.