Issue - meetings

Proposed Alignment of Senior Management Restructuring

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Proposed Senior Management Restructure

Report by Barry Pirie, Service Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development 


As the consultation period on the restructuring proposals does not expire until 20 September, a supplementary report will be circulated at the meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Leader reminded Cabinet that it had at its last meeting on 23 July 2013, received details of proposals to undertake a senior management restructuring exercise to ensure alignment with the new Business Plan. The proposals were then subjected to a period of consultation with those directly affected and the wider workforce.


Corporate Directors presented the revised structure chart and stressed that the restructure was not just about a revised structure; the role of Associate Director was new, requiring a different approach and set of behaviours aligned to the new senior team delivering the Business Plan jointly to secure the vision set by elected members and the needs of Wiltshire’s communities and citizens.


The Corporate Directors explained that minor amendments had been made to the structure in light of feedback received as detailed in the report presented.  It was also agreed to accept a point made by Cllr Sturgis at the meeting on including ‘waste’ in the relevant Director job title to reflect this was a major service provided by the Council. 


A discussion ensued on the title ‘Associate Director’ and it was agreed to reconsider this title to reflect the way these post holders would be working across the organisation in a more corporate way but still recognise the seniority of these positions.


Members noted the placing of Democratic Services which included the Scrutiny team within the Policy, Performance and Procurement service. Cllr Simon Killane, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee sought an assurance that this would not compromise the independency of the scrutiny function in being able to hold the Executive to account. It was confirmed that this move was concerned with the management of staff delivering scrutiny rather than managing the scrutiny function itself and this was accepted by those present.


Whilst accepting that a hierarchal structure was required to show line management responsibilities, it was agreed to review how the structure was depicted to reflect the corporate and not silo based approach to the structure.




That Cabinet note:


a)     some revisions, outlined in paragraph 11 of the report presented had been made to the proposed senior management structure presented to Cabinet in a report dated 23 July 2013 and that a further change would be made to reflect ‘waste’ in the title of the relevant Director ;


b)     taking into account (a) above, the new senior management structure outlined in appendix 1 as presented be now confirmed subject to the title ‘Associate Director’ being reviewed and


c)     appointments to this structure would now take place in line with the Appointments Policy and Procedure for Chief and Senior Officers.

Reason for decision

To advise Cabinet of the senior management structure being put in place to ensure alignment with the Council’s recently adopted Business Plan.