Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 22/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 89)

Leader's announcements


The Leader made the following announcements:


Withdrawal of agenda Item


The Leader explained that item 12 on the agenda – ‘Local Government Association Adult Social Care Peer Challenge’ was withdrawn from the agenda. This was due to notification from the Local Government Association that it would not be able to provide a review team to carry out the Peer Review. This was now expected to be considered in the Spring of 2014 when the matter would be brought back to Cabinet.


Officers leaving due to Voluntary Redundancy


The Leader acknowledged that several officers had either recently left or would be leaving the Council’s employ shortly following their successful applications for voluntary redundancy. The Leader wished to place on record her thanks for their hard work and contribution to the services they helped provide to the people of Wiltshire.


In particular, the Leader thanked 3 officers who had provided direct support to the Cabinet and members, namely John Quinton – Head of Democratic Services, Marie Todd – Area Board and Member Support Manager and Wendy Packer – Senior Member Support Officer. She referred to the excellent work carried out by these officers.


John Quinton had been heavily involved in the transition to unitary status in 2009, successfully led the boundary review project and instrumental in establishing the Police and Crime Panel and the Health and Wellbeing Board.  Marie had successfully led and developed the democratic support function to the Council’s Area Boards and been a key player in the Council’s induction programmes and member development and enabled the Council to secure Charter status for member development. Wendy had consistently provided friendly and efficient support to elected members and the democratic process.


Framed Picture from Leer, Germany


Cllr Horace Prickett explained that he had recently attended a twinning conference in Leer, Germany which was twinned with Trowbridge. Cllr Prickett gave a brief presentation on the work of Wiltshire Council and as a friendly gesture between the two authorities presented them with a Wiltshire Flag and explained its origins.


The Burgomaster of Leer Council presented Cllr Prickett with a framed picture of the Leer Council house, their administrative building and the harbour side in Leer. Cllr Prickett in turn presented the picture to the Leader to receive on behalf of the Council.  The Leader thanked the people of Leer for their generosity, commenting that it was a beautiful picture and thanked Cllr Prickett for bringing it to the Council. She explained that she would arrange for the picture to be displayed in a suitable location at County Hall.