Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 11/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 18)

Leader's announcements


Cornwall Council


The Leader welcomed Cllr John Pollard, Leader and Jen Fishwick, Cabinet Manager of Cornwall Council to this meeting.




The Leader updated members on the Council’s response to the recent and ongoing flooding crisis. The Leader explained that we had escalated our response to the floods given the unprecedented ground water levels in Wiltshire, and with more rain on the way. We were working with our partners through the Local Resilience Forum to deal with issues all over the County, but it was noted that it was especially serious around Salisbury Plain.


The Leader personally thanked the members of staff who had been working 24/7 to help mitigate the problems caused by this extended period of unsettled weather. We had been working around the clock to protect some of the most vulnerable in our communities and would continue to do so.


With the high possibility of further road closures, our website would be kept up to date with accurate information whilst we continue to work with our partners to try and minimise the worsening of the situation and protect as many roads and properties as possible. We would also work with partners eg police and fire to ensure website information provided was consistent, accurate and up to date.


In the discussion which ensued, members noted the good co-operation between authorities in releasing equipment and sandbags to areas most in need. Cllr Macdonald expressed his gratitude for the measures taken to minimise the impact on Bradford on Avon. It was also noted that whilst the Council had taken the necessary steps in the interests of responding quickly to flooding incidents, it would look to recharge works as appropriate to utility companies.


Cllr Seed explained that a press release would be issued today urging motorists to drive safely and sensibly and to show due consideration to other road users and pedestrians and to not add to the strain on emergency services. He also advised that local MP’s would be briefed on the latest position on Friday 14 February 2014.


Members were unanimous in their praise for the staff involved recognising how hard they were working and the challenges they faced.