Issue - meetings

Update on Issues Raised and Any New Issues Arising

Meeting: 04/03/2010 - Warminster Area Board (Item 9)

9 Update on Issues Raised and Any New Issues Arising

An update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues.

Supporting documents:


A summary of issues raised had been circulated prior to the meeting. There were currently four local issues in progress. A further issue had arisen regarding Designated Public Place Orders (DPPO) and Keith Humphries provided the background to this.


There was an increasing problem in Warminster with alcohol-related incidents and a working group had been looking at the problem and gathering evidence. The introduction of a DPPO was one solution to the problem, and the Area Board was being asked to support commencement of the DPPO process.


A DPPO would give the police the power to ask people who were behaving in an alcohol-induced anti-social manner within a defined area to stop drinking and hand over alcohol in their possession. Failure to comply was an offence and could result in arrest and a fine.


The Chairman asked for a show of hands to gauge the level of public support. One person was against the proposal and several were in favour.


Councillor de Rhé-Philipe was happy to support this initiative but only in cases where anti-social behaviour was occurring. She did not want to see the wider public be penalised. Inspector Minty reassured members that the DPPO powers were only used when anti-social behaviour was occurring.


Councillor Newbury expressed concern that there were already drunk and disorderly powers in place to tackle this problem. Inspector Minty explained that a DPPO was more of a preventative power and could be used to stop people from getting to the drunk and disorderly stage.



The Area Board agreed:


  1. To endorse the decision by Councillor Humphries as the responsible Cabinet member that the working group should take the DPPO to the next stage.


  1. That the process of overseeing the DPPO and the consultation should be dealt with within Wiltshire Council’s Community Safety Team and Legal Department.