Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturn report 2013/14

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Revenue Outturn report 2013/14

Supporting documents:


Councillor Dick Tonge presented a report which advised of the final unaudited revenue outturn position as at 31 March 2014 for the financial year 2013/2014.  The year end position stood at an underspend of £0.397 million.


Councillor Roy While updated Cabinet on the work of the Budget Task Group which he chaired.


The report explained that the housing revenue account was reporting an underspend of £2.667 million, primarily caused by the rescheduling of repairs and maintenance. Councillor Jon Hubbard asked if this meant that repairs were not being carried out to the detriment of tenants. Councillor Humphries explained that a lot of work was being undertaken in this area. It was also agreed that a meeting be arranged between Councillors Humphries and Hubbard and relevant officers to update Councillor Hubbard.


The Leader wished to place on record her and Cabinet’s thanks to Managers for their careful budgeting especially over the last two quarters to come under budget despite considerable pressures.




That Cabinet note the report showing an outturn underspend of £0.397 million, and appropriate transfers to General Fund and Earmarked reserves at set out in Sections 18-24 of the report.


Reason for decision:


That Cabinet approve the final outturn for 2013/2014.