Issue - meetings

City of Salisbury, Milford Hill, Britford and Old Manor Hospital Conservation Area Appraisals

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 69)

69 City of Salisbury, Milford Hill, Britford and Old Manor Hospital Conservation Area Appraisals

  Report by Alistair Cunningham, Associate Director - Economic Development and Planning

Supporting documents:


  Councillor Toby Sturgis presented a report which requested approval to the de-designation of the Salisbury Conservation Area and would simultaneously authorise the designation of four separate conservation areas, as authorised by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for onward recommendation to Council.


The Four Conservation Area Designations and their written appraisals had

been formally consulted on and were therefore in a position to be adopted by

Council. The re-designation would allow four different sub-areas which would recognise the individual qualities which characterise each area.




That Council (21 October 2014 meeting) be recommended to:


approve the de-designation of Salisbury Conservation Area and simultaneously re-designate the same area (with minor boundary amendments) but as four separate conservation areas namely: City of Salisbury, Milford Hill, Old Manor Hospital and Britford – each with its own written and illustrated appraisal.  A map showing the proposed boundary is provided as Appendix 1 to the report presented.


Reason for decision:


The Council has a responsibility to consider the designation of conservation areas under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.  Salisbury is already a designated conservation area and re-designation of four subareas namely: the City, Milford Hill, Britford and Old Manor Hospital (Wilton Road). The proposal is to de-designate Salisbury Conservation Area and simultaneously re-designate City of Salisbury, Milford Hill, Old Manor Hospital and Britford. Thereby, the individual qualities which characterise and make each area distinct will be recognised. Each conservation area will be accompanied by an appraisal, which will be a useful

informative document for development control officers as well as the public. The status of the documents would be documents informing the Local Development Framework.