Issue - meetings

Wiltshire Dementia Strategy

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Wiltshire Dementia Strategy - Update on Public Consultation Process

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Councillor Keith Humphries presented a report which gave Cabinet an update on the progress of the Wiltshire dementia strategy consultation process which took place between 20 February and 19 May 2014.


The strategy would provide the strategic direction for Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in supporting people with dementia and their carers and families from the point that people noticed concerns about their memory through to end of life care. It included a commissioning action plan for 2014/2015 which detailed the commitments and actions that would be delivered in order to achieve the objectives and priorities identified. It was noted that three quarters of the initiatives in the Strategy were now a statutory responsibility under the Care Act 2014. 


Details of the consultation feedback were presented.  All responses would be

formally analysed and the draft strategy would be reviewed and amended as

required. It would then proceed through the relevant governance channels in

order to be formally agreed by this Council and NHS Wiltshire Clinical

Commissioning Group. The Wiltshire Dementia Delivery Board would be

responsible for overseeing the implementation and review of the strategy.


Councillor Jon Hubbard drew attention to the fact that this Council was investing twice as much as NHS Wiltshire into supporting people with dementia, their carers and families.  He suggested that a briefing note should be prepared for members which would explain the measures the Council was funding or supporting in this area of dementia care.


Corporate Director, Maggie Rae explained that a proportion of the nearly £15 million this Council spent on dementia care was invested in the voluntary sector through grant funding. A lot of the services provided by the voluntary sector in this area were made possible by the Council’s funding. Scrutiny involvement was sought in looking how best to provide advanced dementia care. 




That Cabinet note the consultation process and initial draft responses on the basis that following formal analysis these would be used to review and amend the Wiltshire Dementia Strategy.


Reason for decision:


To update Cabinet on the progress of the Wiltshire dementia strategy consultation process.