Issue - meetings

Capital Outturn report 2013/14

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Capital Outturn report 2013/14

Supporting documents:


Councillor Tonge presented a report which informed Cabinet of the final outturn position of the 2013/2014 Capital Programme, including highlighting budget changes. The report focused on major variations in budget.  Councillor Hubbard asked if slippages of work within the capital programme would result in corresponding savings in the revenue budget to which Councillor Tonge replied.


Resolved that Cabinet note:


a)    The general budget additions for grants and revenue contributions of £4.980 million as per appendix B and to note the final outturn position of the Capital Programme in appendix A.


b)   The total reprogramming of £24.743 million from 2013/2014 to 2014/2015.


Reason for decision:


To inform Cabinet of the position of the 2013/2014 capital programme as at Outturn (31 March 2014), including highlighting of budget change.