Issue - meetings

Fees and Charges

Meeting: 11/02/2010 - Cabinet (Item 20)

Fees and Charges


Cabinet considered a report on the range of fees and charges as included with the revenue budget proposals for 2010/11.


The proposed level of fees and charges income for 2010/11 stood at £60.479 million compared to £55.341 million in 2009/10.  This represented a 0.9% increase in total budget terms.  The report drew attention to the fact that although fees and charges may have been increased, other factors e.g. economic and demographic have impacted on the proposed budgeted income.




To approve the fees and charges as included in the revenue budget proposals for 2010/11.


Reasons for Decision


To ensure that Cabinet are aware of the feeds and charges and they have been incorporated into the revenue budget proposals for 2010/11.