Issue - meetings

Climate Local Initiative

Meeting: 16/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Climate Local Initiative

Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Cabinet member Cllr Toby Sturgis presented a report which recommended that the Council became a signatory to the Local Government Association’s Climate Local initiative, which would replace the Nottingham Declaration on climate change. The report also provided an overview of progress made in tackling climate change since the Council signed the Nottingham Declaration in 2009.


Views were expressed to the effect that the document was better and far more detailed than the Nottingham Declaration. A contrary view was however, also expressed that whilst there was agreement on the concept, the signing of the document would be a step back from the Nottingham Declaration.




That Cabinet:


(a)          agrees that the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste signs the Climate Local initiative on behalf of the Council and that the action plan at Appendix 1 as presented be published on the council website;


(b)          notes the significant progress made since signing the Nottingham Declaration on climate change and


(c)      notes council activity to tackle fuel poverty and promote low carbon technologies and encourages further public engagement on this matter through the Area Boards.


Reason for decision


Climate Local is a Local Government Association initiative to drive and support council action on climate change. The initiative is the only one of its type in England and is the successor to the old Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change which Wiltshire Council signed in 2009.


By signing up to Climate Local, councils across the country are capturing the

opportunities and benefits of action on a changing climate, through leading by

example, saving on their energy bills, generating income from renewable energy, attracting new jobs and investment, reducing flood risks and managing the impacts of extreme weather. Full details of the reason can be found in the report to Cabinet available on the Council’s website.