Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 97)

Leader's announcements


Wiltshire Core Strategy


The Leader announced that the last hearing session for the Wiltshire Core Strategy Examination in Public was held on 30 September.

She was very pleased to say that the Council had received the 18th procedural letter from the Planning Inspector, which explained the procedure for the completion of his report and the closure of the Examination.


The Council expected to receive a copy of the report to ‘fact check’ with the Inspector’s proposed modifications, this month. Whilst full details were awaited, it was noted that the fact check and modifications were a clear indication that there was movement towards delivering a sound Wiltshire Core Strategy. This important step would enable plan-led housing and employment growth which would promote the resilience of and the sustainability of our communities.


The Leader expressly thanked officers, Councillors and the community for their hard work over many years to bring this strategy together. Following its consideration by Cabinet, the Strategy would hopefully be presented to Council for adoption in February 2015. This would allow the Council to work to develop the community led model of planning and move forward with neighbourhood plans.