Issue - meetings

Air Quality Action Plan

Meeting: 07/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Wiltshire Air Quality Action Plan

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director


The Wiltshire Air Quality Action Plan is available on the Council’s website along with this agenda and available on request.



Supporting documents:


Cabinet member Councillor Keith Humphries presented the Wiltshire Air Quality Action Plan which the Cabinet was asked to consider and agree for it to be published for consultation.


Councillor Humphries, in presenting report, noted that the wider community had become better informed about the issue of air quality, and that six community groups were working to develop their own solutions including: in Bradford with some exciting nanotechnology solution; in Devizes with the promotion of cycling and walking; and in Salisbury with some planting options.  These local plans were independent of but sat alongside the draft Council wide Action Plan. He also mentioned that it was important to note that the EU could fine the UK for not meeting its air quality councils, and that Councils should develop their own robust plans to mitigate the risk of these fines being passed down by central government.




  1. To approve the draft the Wiltshire Air Quality Action Plan (WAQAP) for wider public consultation; and


  1. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director with responsibility for Public Health following consultation with the Cabinet member for Public Health, Protection Services, Adult Care and Housing to approve the final version of the Action Plan for subsequent submission to Defra, in the event that no significant comments are received during the consultation process.


Reason for decision: Under the Environment Act 1995 it is a legal requirement to prepare and consult on the Air Quality Action Plan.