Issue - meetings

Your Local Issues

Meeting: 18/03/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 10)

10 Your Local Issues

The Community Area Manager for Salisbury will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people.

Supporting documents:


Steve Milton, Head of Community Governance, gave an update on work undertaken in relation to issues which had been submitted to the Area Board.


Steve thanked those who had taken part in the recent review of Area Boards, and commented that this would feed into the issues process.  Over 100 issues per months were currently being received by the Community Governance team.


Steve gave an update on issues relating to Salisbury:


  • The presentation and subsequent discussion on pavements at the previous meeting of the Board had been in response to the number of issues received on that subject.  This had been well received and a number of issues had been closed as a consequence.
  • A number of issues relating to speeding traffic had been received and referred to the Camera Safety Partnership Unit for the survey stage of the Community Speech Watch scheme.
  • In relation to a number of issues on cycling in the city, work was underway on the development of a cycle network for Salisbury.
  • In response to several issues relating to climate change and the environment, this would be considered at the July meeting of the Area Board.
  • An issue had been received regarding missing name plates on some of Salisbury’s streets, and members of the public were encouraged to report any missing signs.


The Chairman emphasised that residents should approach their local Councillor in the first instance.  Issues which extended beyond an electoral division would then be logged in the issues system.