Issue - meetings

Update from Representatives

Meeting: 18/03/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 6)

Update from Representatives

To receive updates from the Salisbury City Council representative and the Laverstock and Ford Parish Council representative.


Su Thorpe, Leader of Salisbury City Council (SCC), gave an update on behalf of SCC:

  • The City Council’s first newsletter was due out soon.  This first edition would introduce the city councillors and explain the powers and duties of the new City Council.
  • The Guildhall would be closing in April for the planned building works.  These would commence in July after various building surveys.  In the meantime, City Council meetings would be held in various other locations around the City, and Committee meetings would be held in Bemerton Health Neighbourhood Centre.
  • The City Council would be celebrating its first birthday on 1 April 2010.  To celebrate, there would be a tree planting in Victoria Park at 10.00am.
  • The Hudson Field project would hopefully be underway soon; tenders were due in on 19 March.


Liz Doré of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council advised that she had nothing on which to update the meeting at this time.