Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 25/03/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 2)

2 Chairman's Announcements

(a)               Bulford Bridge Closure – confirmation of dates and diversion route

(b)               Special Educational Needs Review Consultation (attached)

(c)               Gypsies and Travellers Consultation (attached)


Supporting documents:


The Chairman commented that he had called this Extraordinary meeting as he considered that the gap of 11 weeks between meetings was too long.  In addition, two items had arisen which could not have waited until the next scheduled meeting on 29 April 2010.  


It was announced that there would be an Area Board hosted event in June for Parish Councils to comment on how the Amesbury Area Board was working. 


The Chairman advised that he would permit a few minutes for issues which were not on the agenda to be raised by the public and representatives from Parish Councils:


·         A member of the public referred to the announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer that £100 million would be made available for improvements to highways, and asked whether this would be ringfenced by local authorities.  Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Representative for Highways and Transport, confirmed that the money would be ring-fenced for highways, although the Chancellor had not clarified how the funding would be allocated.  It was anticipated that the money would also be used towards motorways, and so Wiltshire Council could receive around £600K.

·         Responding to a comment that roads in the north of the county were in a better state of repair than those in the south, Councillor Tonge commented that there was a similar perception by those living in the north of the county, that the roads in the south were better.


The Chairman made the following announcements:


(a)          Bulford Bridge Closure


The works to Bulford Bridge would begin on 4 May 2010 and were scheduled to continue until 30 October 2010.  A map was shown detailing the detour route, and it was noted that letters would be sent to all those in the affected area.  A representative of Durrington Town Council suggested that the MOD river-crossing upstream could be used as a detour route.  It was noted that this crossing would not be closed, although nor would it be promoted/signed as an alternative crossing.


(b)          Special Educational Needs Review Consultation


This consultation had commenced at the end of February and would run to 24 May.  Members of the public were invited to engage with this review by going to an event at Salisbury City Hall on 4 May.  Full details were set out on page 3 of the agenda.


(c)          Gypsies and Travellers Consultation


It was noted that this consultation would run from 6 April to 4 June.  A drop-in event for members of the public was being held on Thursday 13 May in Salisbury.  Full details were set out on page 5 of the agenda.