Issue - meetings

Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Meeting: 17/03/2010 - Bradford on Avon Area Board (Item 16)

Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements



The Chairman introduced Cathy Cooper, assistant head teacher at St Laurence School, who welcomed everyone to St Laurence School.

The Wiltshire councillors who made up the boardwere also introduced, including John Brady, (Wiltshire Council cabinet member) who was in attendance for this meeting.


The Community Area Manager and Democratic Services Officer were also introduced.


All town, parish and partner representatives in attendance were welcomed by the Chairman.


Chairman’s Announcements


  • Flood Packs – proposed new flooding legislation had placed on Wiltshire Council the responsibility for putting in place local strategies for managing flood risk. Two flood working groups had been set up to cover the County, as part of this work Wiltshire Council was collating information on flooding and drainage issues and would like town and parish councils to gather information using the flood packs provided which could then be used to feed into the process.

Completed packs should be returned at the next Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting on the 19 May.


  • Flood Fair – the first “Flood Fair” for town and parish councils would be held on the 14 April at the Olympiad Leisure Centre, Chippenham from 10am – 2pm. The purpose of the flood fair was to raise awareness of flooding and drainage issues.


  • Consultation on the Review of Special Educational Needs Provision – over recent months Wiltshire Council officers had worked with schools, parent representatives and other people to review Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision in the county.


The review relates to the whole of Wiltshire.


Any questions about the proposals or the consultation process can be sent in the first instance to Tracy Gates, SEN Project Officer either by phone, 01225 756170 or email,




Cllr Bill Bailey (Limpley Stoke Parish Council) volunteered to take a particular interest in this consultation and the Chairman urged other people to get involved in way they could.



  • Gypsy/Traveller Sites – Wiltshire Council are currently looking at possible locations for sites across the county.


  • British Waterways Consultation on Local Mooring Strategy – Bradford on Avon Area Board had met with representatives of British Waterways and were pleased with the outcome of these talks, Wiltshire Council will now have the opportunity to comment on the process that British Waterways are proposing and the issue will come back to a future Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting.


  • Kennet & Avon Canal Partnership – It is proposed that this partnership will link into the British Waterways consultation on local mooring strategy.


  • Bradford on Avon Historic Core Zone – The Chairman had attended a workshop with local stakeholders, another workshop is planned for September 2010.