Issue - meetings

Local Issues - Public Participation

Meeting: 17/03/2010 - Bradford on Avon Area Board (Item 20)

Local Issues - Public Participation

Points members of the community would like to raise.


A question was asked regarding the Wiltshire Council budget for 20101/11 and how resources are used and why older people appear to be losing out.


Would the Bradford on Avon Area Board be able to explain why on the 2010/11 council tax statements there is a decrease in expenditure on elderly people and an increase in spending on council services.


At the 21 January Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting during the “Setting the Council’s Spending Priorities” item, the meeting had felt that older people were their top priority for increased spending for the Wiltshire Council’s budget  2010/11.

2010/11 council tax statements appear to indicate that Bradford on Avon residents views have been ignored on the matter of older people.


Cllr John Brady reported that he would ensure that a written response is obtained on this matter, and that he did not remember this being an issue when the 2010/11 budget was agreed by the Cabinet of Wiltshire Council.


The Chairman thanked the speaker for the question and advised that he would like to invite representatives from Wiltshire Council’s Adult Care Team and the Portfolio holder responsible for adult care to a future Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting.