Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 21/04/2010 - South West Wiltshire Area Board (Item 5)

5 Chairman's Announcements

·         Gypsies and Travellers Sites Consultation (attached)

·         Services for Children with Special Educational Needs Consultation (attached)

·         Contaminated Land Strategy for Wiltshire (attached)

·         Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire (attached)

·         Reducing Unnecessary Street Lighting



Supporting documents:


The Chairman informed the Board that at the end of the financial year, Jane Scott, the Leader of the Council, had announced that extra funds had been made available for distribution through Area Boards. The total amounts of funding to be divided among the eighteen Area Boards are detailed below:


·         £100,000 – to help young people access services available to them

·         £250,000 – for improvements to local highways

·         £100,000 - for improvements to street lighting


The funds available to the South West Wiltshire Area Board would be based on there being three community areas.


The Chairman drew attention to the consultation papers which were attached to the agenda and urged anyone who had a particular interest in any of them to participate in the consultation exercises. The consultation papers were:


·         Gypsy and Traveller Consultation

Wiltshire Council was in the early stages of finding land for gypsy and traveller sites.  Information would be available from the end of April on the Council’s website ( and in libraries and Council offices.  A number of drop in events were also planned – details were available on page 15 of the agenda.

·         Consultation on Services to Children with Special Educational Needs The Council was in the process of consulting on the provision of services to Children with Special Educational Needs.  Details were available on page 17 of the agenda and on the Council’s website.

·         Contaminated Land Strategy for Wiltshire

The Council was in the process of consulting on the above document. Details were available on page 19 of the agenda and on the Council’s website.

·         Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire

The Council was in the process of consulting on the above strategy. Details were available on page 21 of the agenda and on the Council’s website.


Councillor Toby Sturgis explained the process behind the Gypsy and Traveller consultation, and urged anyone who was interested to attend the meeting due to be held on Thursday 13 May 2010, from 4.00pm – 8.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.


A discussion then ensued; one of the points raised was that half a mile outside of Wiltshire, Dorset County Council were planning a Gypsy and Traveller site which had not been detailed on the map (on display at the meeting). Councillor Sturgis informed the Board that Wiltshire Council had written to neighbouring authorities, and that sites planned around the boarders of Wiltshire would be taken into account.


Reducing Street Lighting


Also discussed was the public consultation on whether to dim or turn off certain street lights within the community. Richard Munro, Community Area Manager agreed to write to parish councils and relevant stakeholders to invite comments.



The Board agreed that Richard Munro would liaise with all concerned to produce a list of street lights for consideration in the dimming/switching-off project.



Wilton Middle School Update


Councillor Richard Beattie gave an update on recent developments at the Wilton Middle School site, informing the Board that part of the site had recently been sold to the Plymouth Brethren, whilst  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5