Issue - meetings

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting: 20/05/2010 - Warminster Area Board (Item 1)

1 Welcome and Introductions

Chairman’s Announcements:


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
  2. Gypsy and Traveller Review
  3. Air Quality Strategy
  4. Feedback from Health Fair

Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Andrew Davis, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and asked the councillors and officers present to introduce themselves. Councillor Davis explained that this meeting was due to be held on Thursday 6 May but had been rearranged due to the General Election.


Councillor Davis made the following announcements:


Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

The Area Board had met immediately after the Annual Council meeting on 18 May 2010 to appoint the Chairman and Vice Chairman for the next municipal year.  At that meeting, Councillor Andrew Davis was reappointed as Chairman and Councillor Pip Ridout was reappointed as Vice Chairman.


Gypsy and Traveller Review

Councillor Davis reminded everyone that the consultation on gypsy and traveller sites was still open and would remain open until Friday 4 June 2010. Further information was available online and people were encouraged to submit their views on the proposals.


Air Quality Strategy

The Council had developed an Air Quality Strategy as an over-arching document detailing the approach to air quality. A consultation on the Strategy was running until 18 June 2010 and people were welcomed to submit their views. Further details were included in page five of the agenda.


Feedback from Health Fair

Councillor Keith Humphries provided feedback from the Warminster Community Area Health Fair that had taken place earlier in the year. The event, which had been followed by a lively debate outside the library, had proven to be a success. A feedback report was due to go to the Cabinet soon, and it was hoped that the Health Fair would be repeated next year.