Issue - meetings

Grant Funding

Meeting: 17/05/2010 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 13)

13 Community Area Grants

To determine two applications for grant funding from Collingbourne Cricket Club and Zouch School.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager on 01722 712487 or electronically by following this link.



Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to two applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme.


Collingbourne Cricket Club

David Paterson and Karl Rogers spoke in support of the club’s application for grant funding, which was required to improve and upgrade equipment such as nets and matting. The club had 40 paid-up members at present, and was working with Wellington Academy to enhance its links with young people.



Collingbourne Cricket Club was awarded £1,000 towards the cost of the replacement of cricket nets and matting.

Reason  The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would provide an opportunity for people to participate in positive activities.


Zouch Primary School, Tidworth

Alex Grant of Circular Arts and Pauleen Lawes, Deputy Head of Zouch Primary School, spoke in support of the school’s application for grant funding to further develop its community cohesion activities. The funding was being sought to help towards the cost of piloting a project to help with the integration of army families and the local community.


Councillor Clewer asked for clarification on some of the planned expenditure, including the £10,000 for professional fees for artists and the event costs/workshop material costs, which appeared to be similar things. Alex Grant explained that the professional fees would pay for the 10 professional artists to work on the project. The artists had already been persuaded to reduce their costs by 30% and had a key role to play.


Alistair Cunningham, Service Director, enquired whether the funding from Plain Action had been awarded yet. Alex explained that this funding had not yet been awarded but the application was due to be determined in July, and that many of the funding streams depended on the project receiving local authority support.


Alistair suggested that the application from Zouch Primary School be put on hold until the councillors had received answers to their questions and other funding streams were confirmed.



The application from Zouch Primary School was deferred and would be considered at a future meeting.

Reason  To allow for further clarification to be sought on the detail of the application and to allow other funding sources to be confirmed.