Issue - meetings

Progress on social housing developments

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Environment Select Committee (Item 70)

70 Progress on Social Housing Developments

The Committee will be provided with a progress report on the council house building programme.


In September 2015 the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee approved a programme of new council house building funded with a combination of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) reserves and borrowing with other sources of capital including Right to Buy (RTB) receipts, commuted sum funding from planning gain and grant funding secured by bidding to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).


The delivery of new affordable council homes across Wiltshire including homes for older people and adapted homes aims to meet a number of the council’s priorities, objectives and outcomes outlined in the council’s business plan.


The Committee is asked to note the update report.

Supporting documents:


The Committee was provided with a progress report on the council house building programme.


In September 2015, the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee approved a programme of new council house building funded with a combination of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) reserves and borrowing with other sources of capital including Right to Buy (RTB) receipts, commuted sum funding from planning gain and grant funding secured by bidding to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).


The delivery of new affordable council homes across Wiltshire, including homes for older people and adapted homes, aims to meet a number of the council’s priorities, objectives and outcomes outlined in the council’s business plan.


The Committee was asked to note the update report.


Cllr Richard Clewer gave a verbal update on the programme. It was stated that it was proceeding on track, despite the usual setbacks expected in planning. It was also mentioned that the new Housing and Planning Act 2016 was close to being enacted and, whilst they would proceed with current strategy, they had to be open to the changes, to be brought about by the new legislation.


The Chairman invited technical questions on the report.


During questioning, it was clarified by that the strategy sought to respond to need where possible and gave the example of the ongoing development of social housing bungalows in Devises. It was also clarified that all major Housing Associations would be taking part in the Right to Buy Schemes.


A question was asked about pledges to cut social housing rental costs of 1% for 3 years. It was confirmed that this was still the policy for Wiltshire Council but that the new Housing Bill could change that.


Councillors then discussed the application of shared equity to social housing. It was noted that it has become increasingly popular and could become almost 30% of all social housing.




To note the progress report on social housing developments.