Issue - meetings

Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

Meeting: 20/05/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 8)

Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

To receive an update from the Community Area Partnership.


Debrah Biggs, Chairman of Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP) gave an update on the work of the partnership.


SCCAP was now known as “Our Salisbury” and consideration was being given to a strap line, which would be announced soon.


Work was on-going on the Community Plan, with over 1200 responses having been received to the first round of consultation.  The next round would be going out to every household and business in the city.


At the previous meeting of SCCAP, the main discussion had been on families, and some excellent networking opportunities had arisen.  One of the main issues identified had been the need to publicise services available to families, and several ideas had been proposed.  One of these which would be going forward was for the Trussell Trust to include a list of contact numbers in their food boxes.


The next meeting of SCCAP would take place on 21 June, where the theme would be Climate Change.   The Chairman commented that the Area Board and SCCAP were intentionally coordinating the main themes of their meetings, as climate change would be on the agenda at the Area Board meeting on 22 July.