Issue - meetings

Performance Reward Grant Scheme

Meeting: 20/05/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 12)

12 Performance Reward Grant Scheme

To consider whether the Area Board wishes to support any expressions of interest received in relation to this scheme.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman announced that, following a request from the applicants, the bid from the Unit would be considered first.


(a)          Firestarter Arts



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from The Unit to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(b)          Wiltshire Alternative Youth Sports



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from Wiltshire Alternative Youth Sports (WAYS) to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(c)          St Michael’s Community Centre



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from St Michael’s Community Centre to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(d)          Bemerton Heath Community Centre


Having declared a prejudicial interest in this item, as a member of the City Council which owned and ran the Community Centre, Councillor Paul Sample left the room for consideration of this application.



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from Bemerton Heath Community Centre to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


(e)          Salisbury Arts Centre


Councillor Chris Cochrane declared a personal interest in this application as the Area Board’s nominated representative on the Salisbury Arts Centre Management Committee.



The Salisbury Area Board supported the bid from Salisbury Arts Centre to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.