Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/05/2010 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 48)

48 Dispensations - Dual Hatted Members of Area Boards

To consider a report by the Monitoring Officer

Supporting documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented the report which advised members on dual-hatted members of area boards in relation to their consideration of grant applications by parish, town and city councils  and on the grant of dispensations to such members since the Committee adopted its procedure in July 2009.


An updated appendix 2 was tabled which clarified the reasons why the members were dual-hatted.


It was also suggested that members be asked to re-visit their registers of interest to ensure that they had correctly recorded their membership of town and parish councils.


The Chairman requested that a report on dispensations granted be presented to the committee annually.






·        To note the report.

·        To agree that the Standards Committee should review the grant of dispensations on an annual basis.


·        That a reminder be sent to all members to remind them to update their registers of interest if necessary.