Issue - meetings

Update on Issues Raised and Any New Issues Arising

Meeting: 11/11/2010 - Warminster Area Board (Item 5)

5 Update on Issues Raised and Any New Issues Arising

An update from the Community Area Manager and leaders of the groups working on existing issues.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received a report from the Community Area Manager.  In total 53 issues had been submitted on line, 12 of these were in progress with the others having been closed.


The following issues were discussed:


Dog Fouling and Litter


A group had been set up to consider ways to deal with dog fouling and litter within the town.  The group had discussed providing a toolkit to spray dog faeces pink to highlight the problem and to encourage people to clear up after their dogs.


The next meeting of the group would be held on 16 November at 6.30pm at Dewey House.


Warminster Voices


This project had been working well and a number of recordings had been made to enable those people who would not normally attend area board meetings to put forward their views.  The Community Area Manager would bring a report on this matter to the next meeting.



To allocate an additional £250 to enable Warminster Community Radio (WCR) to develop the project.



To enable WCR to provide an extra 10 hours support to the project as the current time allocation was insufficient.


Wiltshire Voices


Wiltshire Council and its partners were committed to finding ways of reaching out to people who do not attend their meetings.  By undertaking 18 projects across the whole of Wiltshire during the next 18-20 months they aim to engage with people from a wide range of backgrounds from boaters and economic migrants to MoD dependents and teenage parents.



To confirm that Warminster Area Board will focus on the issues affecting young and vulnerable parents as part of the Wiltshire Voices project.