Issue - meetings

Update from Partners

Meeting: 01/07/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 7)

7 Update from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive any updates from the Town/Parish Council representatives and from other partner organisations.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited updates from Town/Parish Councils and other partners, commenting that the preferred method for non-urgent updates was for a written summary which could be sent to officers in advance and included within the agenda papers.


The Chairman thanked officers from Housing Services for offering their time to help paint the frontage of the Amesbury Community Information Shop.


Councillor Mike Hewitt, as Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee, advised that there was a possibility that the commissioning role of the PCT might be transferred to doctors.  This was unlikely to affect service users directly, and he would keep the Area Board updated.


The Chairman thanked the Police for their efforts over the weekend of the Summer Solstice.  It was considered that this had gone very smoothly.


Responding to concern over regular accidents at the crossroads by Porton on the Amesbury Road, Inspector Martyn Sweett commented that he was not aware of any serious injuries or fatalities at the site, and that the Accident Management system would highlight particular problem accident sites, which were then prioritised.  However, he offered to report the matter to the local Police Constable.  In relation to speeding at the same site, the MOD police had been given permission to undertake speed checks on the public road, and some Community Speedwatch teams were also being established on the A338 corridor.


Referring to a recent incident, Inspector Sweett commented that Wilts and Dorset Buses were planning to install immobilising equipment on their vehicles.