Issue - meetings

Your Local Issues

Meeting: 22/07/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 8)

Your Local Issues

Marianna Dodd (Salisbury Community Area Manager) will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people.


Detailed information on the progress of individual issues is available on the council’s website.  Go to and click on “Track your community issues”.



Marianna Dodd, Salisbury Community Area Manager, reported that a total of 55 issues had been received, of which 35 had been closed.  It was reiterated that issues could be reopened if required.


Three new issues had been received recently in relation to the closure of the toilets at the bus station.  It had been suggestion that this was inconvenient for bus users and tourists.  These toilets had formerly been maintained by the former Salisbury District Council, but the issue was complicated as the land was owned by the Wilts & Dorset Bus Company.  Concern had also been raised over the poor condition of the public toilets in the coach park.  The next stage would be to get an appropriate group of people together to scope the issue.


A written update on current live issues had been circulated and spare copies were available at the entrance to the meeting.