Issue - meetings

Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

Meeting: 22/07/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 12)

12 Update from "Our Salisbury" - Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

To receive an update from the Community Area Partnership.


In addition, to consider a request from SCCAP for the first tranche of core funding 2010/11.


Supporting documents:


In the absence of Debrah Biggs and Maria Bota, John Potter gave an update on the activities of SCCAP.


The Partnership wished to offer its thanks to the Chairman of the Area Board for the welcome and accessibility to their meetings for Debrah as Chairman of SCCAP.  It was considered that SCCAP and the Area Board had worked very well together so far.


SCCAP had now held meetings focussing on young people, families, and climate change.  The partnership now planned to establish theme groups to take these various topics forward and seek actions to address the issues identified.


Referring to the new coalition government’s recent announcements about the “Big Society”, John considered that SCCAP would have a role to play in these challenging and ambitious plans.


The core task of the partnership was to shape and publish the Community Plan, which would help inform future activities and priorities for the area.  The partnership had developed a detailed questionnaire which would be circulated to around 22,000 homes in Salisbury.  This would cost around £10,000 and £5,000 was sought from the Area Board.


The Chairman commented that the £5,000 funding request relating to the questionnaire would need to be requested through a Community Area Grant application. 


The meeting was referred to the report at pages 27-33 of the agenda, seeking the Area Board’s approval to the first tranche of funding to SCCAP for 2010/11.  The Chairman noted that a first draft of the Workplan had been received but the final WorkPlan was still awaited.


It was noted that some other community area partnerships in Wiltshire received substantial core funding from town/parish councils and “in kind” support from their local Chamber of Commerce. 



The Area Board approved the release of the first tranche of core funding (£7,825) to the Salisbury City Community Area Partnership, subject to the receipt and approval of a Workplan as specified in the officer’s report.