Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 13/05/2010 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 4)

Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Peter Fuller declared a prejudicial interest on any Trowbridge-related item (Dispensation Granted from the Dispensation Sub-Committee) as a Trowbridge Town Councillor and would view any Trowbridge related items and issues with an open mind.


Councillor John Knight declared a personal interest at item 14c as a member of Newtown Residents’ Association.  He did not speak or vote.


Councillor Helen Osborn declared a prejudicial interest on any Trowbridge-related item (Dispensation Granted from the Dispensation Sub-Committee) as a Trowbridge Town Councillor and would view any Trowbridge related items and issues with an open mind.


Councillor Jeff Osborn declared a prejudicial interest on any Trowbridge-related item (Dispensation Granted from the Dispensation Sub-Committee) as a Trowbridge Town Councillor and would view any Trowbridge related items and issues with an open mind.  He also declared a prejudicial interest on item 11 as a member of the management committee of the Wiltshire Rural Music Centre.  He spoke as a member of the public and then left the room for the duration of the discussion.