Issue - meetings

(another main item)

Meeting: 02/09/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 8)

Good Neighbour Scheme

To receive a presentation from Sandie Lewis, Head of Strategy (Voluntary and Community Sector), Wiltshire Council.



The Chairman thanked Maureen Atkinson (Bourne Valley Link Scheme) for suggesting this item, and encouraged other attendees to suggest items for the Area Board to consider.


Sandie Lewis (Head of Strategy, Community and Voluntary Sector Support - Wiltshire Council), and Helen Lines (Community First) gave a presentation on Wiltshire Good Neighbours.


Sandie explained that the scheme, developed in a partnership between Wiltshire Council, Community First, Age UK Wiltshire, and Age Concern Salisbury District, sought to learn from the experience, skills and success of the Link schemes.  The scheme would be based on volunteering but with some paid coordinator time, providing support, facilitating access to services and providing access to information for older and vulnerable people in the area.  It was hoped that this would lead to those in need feeling more secure, more cared for, having a better quality of life, and demonstrating that Wiltshire was a place where “everybody matters”.


It was proposed to have 25 Good Neighbour Co-ordinators in place by September 2011, each covering a small cluster of parishes, with the project being rolled out in 3 phases.  A project covering Winterbourne, Idmiston, Porton, Gomeldon and East Gomeldon would be included in the first phase.


The Co-ordinators would play a central role, promoting the service, helping with referrals and “signposting” volunteers and local people towards information and services.


The Chairman thanked Sandie and Helen for the presentation, and also took the opportunity to thank all Link scheme volunteers for their hard work.  Questions and comments were raised as follows:


·         Concern was raised that Wiltshire Good Neighbours would duplicate the work of existing Link schemes and may jeopardise future funding.  Sandie confirmed that the scheme would develop and complement the services of the Link Schemes, which in some places had become limited to transport.  It was also confirmed that there was no intention to reduce existing funding for Link schemes as a direct result of this new initiative.


·         Initially, the service would be funded by Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire, although it was hoped that other sources of funding could be identified in the future. Community First and Age UK Wiltshire were already exploring other funding options.


·         Responding to concern that the use of the term “older people” could be unclear and exclusive, Sandie commented that the scheme had been designed for those in need, and that no one would be refused access to the services.  However, it was anticipated that the main service users would be older, vulnerable residents.