Issue - meetings

Performance Reward Grants

Meeting: 02/09/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 12)

12 Performance Reward Grants

To consider whether the Area Board wishes to support any bids for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Noeken explained that applications for Performance Reward Grant were not for determination by the Area Board, but sought approval for referral to the Performance Reward Grant Panel, who would make a final decision.


(a)          Wyndham Community Hall


Several comments were made regarding the quality of this bid, particularly in view of the need for more community facilities in the town, with Antrobus House and the Bowman Centre often running at full capacity.  In response to a question, it was confirmed that car parking facilities were considered as part of the business plan.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid from Wyndham Community Hall to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



(b)          Wiltshire Voices


This was a County-wide project to support Area Boards in engaging with hard-to-reach elements of society.  Each Area Board would identify a different target group; in Amesbury this was proposed to be Council tenants and leaseholders.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid for Wiltshire Voices to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



(c)          Wiltshire is Saving Energy (WiSE)


This bid was another county-wide project, to provide energy monitors which could be hired for free from libraries, to allow users to see clearly how much energy their appliances used and how their behaviour impacted on their energy use.


A successful pilot had been run, with people borrowing the monitors for up to three weeks.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid for WiSE to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.