Issue - meetings

Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairman - Area Boards

Meeting: 18/05/2010 - Council (Item 30)

30 Appointments Process - Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Area Boards

Report by the Head of Democratic Services.


Should the proposal contained in the report be approved, each Area Board will be asked to convene on the rising of this meeting to elect their respective Chairman and Vice-Chairman. An agenda for each Area Board can be found at the back of this agenda


Supporting documents:


The Chairman presented the report of the Head of Democratic Services which proposed a revised procedure for electing chairmen and vice chairmen of Area Boards for the period 2010/11 in order to improve the process on last year.


The proposal involved each Area Board meeting in turn in the Council Chamber with each member of an Area Board standing so as to be easily identified as a member. The Chairman of the Council, appointed as a non voting ex-officio member would then manage the appointments process supported by Democratic Services.  Where the Chairman of Council was himself a full voting member of an Area Board, the Vice-Chairman of Council would be the non voting ex-officio member. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman’s role on the Area Board would be limited to facilitating the appointment process. This would take place either on the rising of Annual Council or during an adjournment of the meeting whichever is appropriate at the time.


It was noted that Group Leaders having been consulted on this proposal had raised no objections. During the debate, a proposal was moved that election of chairmen and vice-chairmen should be undertaken at the first round of meetings of Area Boards in the presence of other members of the Area Boards. However, this was subsequently withdrawn with a request that this be given consideration in the future.


Cllr Williams, Portfolio Holder for Communities reported that a training event for chairmen and vice-chairmen of Area Boards had been arranged.




a)     That Council agrees the procedures for the election of chairmen and vice chairmen of Area Boards as set out in paragraph 5 of the report presented.


b)     That the Council agrees the appropriate amendments to the Constitution to facilitate the appointments process as set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the report presented.