Issue - meetings

Delegation of Services to Town and Parish Councils

Meeting: 24/05/2010 - Cabinet (Item 88)

88 Delegation of Services to Town and Parish Councils

Report of the Service Director, Neighbourhood Services is circulated


Supporting documents:


Cllr Dick Tonge, Cabinet member for Highways and Transport presented a report which updated Members on the progress to date of the work programme as previously approved by Cabinet on 23 February 2010.


Details of responses to a questionnaire sent to all town and parish councils to establish current interest in taking on delegated services were presented. It was noted that of the 240 parishes contacted, 90 had responded, of whom 44 had expressed such an interest. All 16 town councils and Salisbury City Council had also responded positively.


Town, parish and community councils had powers which enabled them to provide, manage or maintain services, facilities or functions. Of the 13 possible options, 6 services had been identified as being suitable and capable of being delivered by town or parish councils. These services were allotments, public conveniences, public open space, play areas, maintenance of roadside verges and repair to rural footpaths and bridleways. Details of how these and other services identified by town and parish councils could be progressed  were presented.  The constraints in delegating some services to town and parish councils were also reported.  


Cabinet had previously requested that the potential for delegating the street naming and numbering function be investigated as a priority. Cllr Tonge explained that the current procedure for dealing with this function did not lend itself to delegation to town and parish councils. However, a report on simplifying the procedure which could enable aspects of the function to be delegated, would be presented to Cabinet in due course.




That Cabinet notes the report and approves the proposals for the continuation of the project as follows:


a)     to concentrate on the delegation of allotments, public open space and public conveniences with the relevant councils, which at present includes: Bradford on Avon, Calne, Chippenham, Collingbourne Ducis, Corsham and Trowbridge;

b)     to complete visits and discussions with town and parish councils who have expressed specific interest in either Public Conveniences, Public Open Space or Play Areas where there is the capability to take them on; and 


c)     to undertake discussions with existing contractors to consider the possibility of transferring management of contracts in town council areas.


Reason for Decision


To record that updated information has been provided for the Cabinet, and to agree the forward work programme.