Issue - meetings

Urgent Business

Meeting: 26/05/2010 - Melksham Area Board (Item 29)

29 Partner Updates

To receive updates from any of the following partners (report in pack where appropriate)


a. MCAP (Melksham Community Area Partnership)

b. CAYPIG (Young People’s Issue Group)

c. Wiltshire Police - David Hobman

d. NHS Wiltshire – Jo Howes

e. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

f. Melksham Town Council

g. Parish Council Nominated Representatives


Supporting documents:


Melksham Community Area Partnership: Chris Holden gave the MCAP update.


Points made included:


  • MCAP Website which was expected to go on-line on the 1 June 2010.On line on June 1st. The website would contain links to online consultations, links to village websites and minutes and agendas of the various theme groups.


  • Wilts & Berks Waterways consultation would be running throughout May and June.


  • Melksham Carnival and local area summer fetes. The following were planned , a float at the Melksham Carnival on July 18, a stand at Party in the Park, wide consultation through leaflets including the same display at village summer fetes with an aim to reach the whole community area.




Sarah Howes (Youth Co-ordinator, Melksham) gave the CAYPIG (Young People’s Issue Group) update.


Points made included:


  • Melksham rail service - Concerns over lack of routes that young people would choose to use.


  • Bus times and fares - the group were putting together a letter to local bus companies requesting an improved service for young people with a more realistic fare structure.


  • Local Parks – art work by local young people illustrating why we need to respect local park land.


  • Next CAYPIG meeting Wednesday 9 June 2010.




Wiltshire Police: Dave Hobman updated the meeting on current policing activities in the Melksham community area.


The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


Points made included:


  • A breakdown of the crime figures would be welcomed for future Area Board meetings.





NHS Wiltshire: The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.




Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service:  The written update distributed with the agenda pack was noted.




The Town Council, Parish Councils and partners were given the opportunity to give any updates,



Melksham Town Council:  Cllr Rod Eaton was welcomed as the new Mayor of Melksham.


The Town Council were concerned at the amount of weeds and vegetation that had grown up through the hard areas in and around the Melksham’s roads, the A350 near the Wiltshire Farmers roundabout was highlighted as a particularly unsightly area.



Melksham Without Parish Council: A survey carried out by Melksham Without Parish Council had received an excellent response from the residents of the Bowerhill area with the vast majority of residents wanting to keep the Bowerhill sports fields for recreational use, a petition was handed over to the Chairman requesting this.


MelkshamWithout Parish Council also requested that the Melksham Area Board supports them in trying to buy the sports fields from Wiltshire Council for a nominal fee.


It was agreed that the Melksham Area Board would look at this request at the next meeting, after Area Board members had read the survey report.



Seend Parish Council: thanked everybody for attending the meeting, the first to be held at the Community centre.


The Chairman thanked all partners for their respective updates.