Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturn Report - 2009-10

Meeting: 22/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 106)

106 Revenue Outturn Report - 2009-10

Supporting documents:


Councillor Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Cabinet member for Finance, Performance and Risk presented a report which advised of the Council’s financial position in respect of the financial year ending March 2010.


It was noted that the revenue budget for 2009/10 incorporated efficiencies of over £10 million, which included the £8.5 million efficiencies derived from One Council for Wiltshire. In addition, significant in year cost pressures in excess of £9 million had to be absorbed as a result of factors such as demand led services, winter gritting programme and impact of the economic downturn.


The final year outturn for 2009/10 showed a total net revenue expenditure of £332.441 million against a net revenue budget of £332.218 million which represented a small overspend of £223,000 after allowing for the use of the £4.075 million of General Fund reserve together with the planned use of specific earmarked reserves. A departmental analysis of the outturn position was presented.


The Leader paid tribute to the hard work of staff and asked for a joint message of thanks from her and the Chief Executive be conveyed to staff via the Electric Wire.




That Cabinet:


i)                    notes the 2009/10 outturn position; and


ii)                  agrees that roll forwards into the 2010/11 financial year be not permitted.


Reason for Decision


To ensure that Councillors are aware of the outturn position and to help the Council plan for the forthcoming public sector financial constraints.