Issue - meetings

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 1)

1 Chairman's Announcements, Welcome and Introductions

Chairman’s Announcements to include:


·         Feedback from the Leisure Facility Review

·         Feedback from the Car Parking Strategy Review

·         Local Flood Protection – Supply of Gel Sacs

·         Results of the Waste Services Consultation (colour copies of the attached report will be available to view at the meeting)


Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Chris Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and informed them that it was a sad occasion as Val Powley, the Community Area Manager was due to retire later that week, which meant that it would be her last meeting with the Board. The Chairman presented Val with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for all of her hard work.


Ken Beard of Ludgershall Parish Council also expressed his thanks to Val for the work she had carried out whilst under Kennet District Council, and that he thought she had been a great asset to the community.


Val thanked everyone for their kind words and introduced Mary Cullen who would be taking on the role of Community Area Manager from the end of the week.


The Chairman then invited everyone in the room to introduce themselves before making the following announcements:


Leisure Facility Review – A handout had been circulated with an update specific to the Tidworth Community Area, detailing that Tidworth Leisure Centre was safe.


Car Parking Strategy   Car Parks in Tidworth Community Area were free, but the cost to park in other areas such as Salisbury was due to rise.


Local Flood Protection - Gel Sacs – A Gel Sac was on display and Parish Councils were invited to purchase Gel Sacs by completing the form attached to the agenda.


Waste Services Consultation – Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet Representative informed the Board that the Council had received a lot of responses, more than any other consultation so far. The Tidworth area would see the introduction of a plastic and cardboard kerbside collection and a free garden waste collection later in the year.


The Chairman added that the implementation of these services was raised by the Tidworth Board members at the first Full Council meeting in 2009, so it would be good to see the implementation come to fruition later in the year. 


Budget Consultation – A meeting had been scheduled for to discuss Wiltshire Council’s budgets for 2011-12. Anyone wishing to take part should attend the meeting on Tuesday 18th January at City Hall, Salisbury starting at 6.00pm.