Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 4)

4 Minutes

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 15 November 2010.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 15 November 2010, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The following matters arising were noted:


Fire Cadets – Due to a delay with the administration of the insurance, the Fire Cadets had not yet started to operate. Once this was resolved it was expected that the Fire Cadets would soon be up and running.


Grit Bins – It was noted that in some areas there had been a delay in grit bins being refilled. The Chairman thanked Graeme Hay for the delivery of the new grit bins recently allocated to the community area and invited him to update the Board on the situation for refilling the bins.


Graeme Hay informed the Board that with 1,550 grit bins to refill across the county, the Council were looking at putting staff on to Saturday shifts to get the work done more quickly. A two man crew could currently fill approximately 15 bins in a day. It was thought that if four crews were to work on Saturdays for four consecutive weeks, the job could be completed.


North East Quadrant Development – The site meeting which had been awaited by Tidworth Town Council to discuss alternative options, had not taken place. The Town Council was still waiting for a meeting to be scheduled.