Issue - meetings

Update on Issues Raised

Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Tidworth Area Board (Item 10)

Update on Issues Raised

To receive a verbal update from the Community Area Manager regarding issues raised.


Officer: Val Powley, Community Area Manager.



Val Powley, Community Area Manager gave a verbal update on the status of logged issues on the system and informed the Board that she and Mary Cullen (Val’s replacement as Community Area Manager) had been working together to bring issues up to date.


There had been two successful Community Payback schemes to clear up areas, one in Tidworth on Right of Way No.11, and the other at Fittleton Church.


There was a current delay on obtaining metro count readings due to recent illness of key staff.  Mary would be progressing the speeding projects.


The signage project was still on the system as it had not yet come to fruition; however this would be discussed under item 12.


Val urged people to continue logging their issues on the system, or by contacting the Community Area Manager.


The Chairman noted that issues should only be logged on the system once the relevant Council officer and or Local Councillor had been contacted, as the issues system was a way in dealing with issues that could not be resolved by going through the usual channels first.